As we change the world one script at a time, we keep you in mind. We are the new I in IAI Tech, we strive to solve problems and provide accurate solutions in the modern day technology and becoming more competitive in a wide range of key markets including but not limited to Transport, Freight, Dispatch, Agriculture, Energy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Software Engineering, and many more. We will make the unattainable be within reach as we advance technology with you in mind to provide fresh ideas and new solutions for an ever changing and high demand market. 

We have been working on solutions and innovating everyday for a better tomorrow. 

We strive for a greener future today as we establish and work diligently to make all our projects efficient and productive. With our team of problem solvers and visionaries, we see the future solutions and strive to make them a reality. We will impact an entire ecosystem of tech-related industries to effectively revolutionize the modern world one market at a time.

We strive to ease carbon footprints caused by heavy machineries including the manually operated ones because we believe that the humanity needs our environment to be sustainable for the ecosystem. 

We will innovate and provide new solutions in different areas that need our help such as Transportation, Agriculture, Tourism, Health Care, and more with no limit in sight about what can be done together as we are the new I. 

  • One of the most important innovations in the world is the transport of goods, services and people. We at IAI will strive to fix daily issues that do not allow the efficiency of this highly dependent industry on Scheduling, Planning, Organizing and Execution of routes. As the industry evolves, we will make it easier for the world to adapt to an ever demanding and ever changing industry. There are many battles to win and we are certain that we will make a better tomorrow starting today.

  • As the human race depends on food as source of energy and the integration of a variety of grown foods for fuel or renewable products, we will as a team improve current innovations and build better foundations in the new ones to ensure that the future is attainable. The little steps we take today will have a big impact in the next generations to come. 

  • As we face new obstacles and problems on a daily basis, we strive to help people by creating softwares that will help improve the efficiency and productivity of their work. 

  • With the always changing technological innovations, we will work to create and improve artificial intelligence that will be beneficial for the rest of the world. We will write beta tests and improve it as needed so we can provide quality service to both new and old businesses as they battle to stay relevant in this fast changing sector. As we integrate all the markets and sectors, we will have a common goal in helping ease human labors by applying the technology of the modern world.  We will also help change and revolutionize many industries as we identify and fix many real life problems today. Brace yourselves for what is to come as we develop the future now.

  • As currencies around the world change, so do software languages and security. We plan on assisting and leading the development of future security softwares. With the right projects and team, we will make the impossible possible.